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When Politicians Panicked – John Tamny. Very well documented evidence of the disastrous results caused by politicians shutting down the U.S. economy, along with other countries, because of Covid. Many times more deaths were caused worldwide because of poverty caused by these shutdowns than by Covid. We could have survived nicely without any forced shutdowns. There are many other factors discussed that were “mistakes” made. *****

The Cauldron – Lew Paper. A good history about the American Ambassador, Joseph Grew in Japan during the year before WW2. He had the same political issues as today with President Roosevelt & Secretary of State Hull keeping him in the dark about their negotiations with Japan’s leaders. ****

The Note Through The Wire – Doug Gold. A very well-written story about a New Zealand Soldier captured early in WW2. Through a multitude of improbable situations, he meets a  female Slovenia resistance fighter. Of course, they fall in love, so the intrigue is “spiced” up with romance. ****

How to Destroy America in Three Easy Lessons – Ben ShapiroA deep look at the politics of the liberal left’s ideas from the 1619 project, Howard Zinn’s teachings, & what he labels as “Disintegrations”. He labels the conservative right as “unionist”. Lots of recent history & political ideas & the way it is disseminated to the public.***

Daughters of Yalta – Catherine Grace Katz. Kathy Harriman’s Daughter of Averell, ambassador to the Soviet Union, Sarah Churchill, Winston’s daughter, & Anna Roosevelt, FDR’s daughter. Stories about their personal lives during Yalta & before, during & after WW2. Various affairs spice up the book which has a lot of details about the politics & negotiations between the 3 countries. ***

Genius Makers – Cade Metz. This book is about many of the programmers & people who invest big money in developing artificial intelligence programs. It also covers the “top dogs” in the business – Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Tesla & many others. Tough read unless you are really interested in this. ***

Heart & Steel – Bill Cowher/Michael Holley. Bill Cower’s biography. He coached the Pittsburgh Steelers for 15 years, winning one Super Bowl. He reveals a lot of information about his family & personal life, along with many details about coaching various players with the Steelers. ***

The Authoritarian Moment – Ben Shapiro. This one is all about the politics of the liberals, the conservatives, & the far-left Democrats. He gives many examples in real life about how they have become “authoritarian” by forcing the majority to follow their demands regarding our behaviors, beliefs, & even the language we use. ***

The Premonition – Michael Lewis The main character in this book is Charity Dean, a county public health official in California. It is all about the Corona Virus & her premonition about its spread & how to fight it. It shows the incompetence in the CDC & the politics in our NIH. **

The Secret Life of Groceries – Benjamin Lorr. The author took jobs & worked with truckers, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Piggly Wiggly, and the shrimp industry in Thailand. He investigated other suppliers of poultry, pork, & farm produce. He found many “problems” usually caused by necessity to reduce cost. A lot of things he exposed have been corrected to some extent. **

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