FLCPS creates Relief Fund for Educator and Students
The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools has partnered with The School District of Lee County during this challenging time to provide resources to educators, students and their families.
Distance Learning has now been put into place and the FLCPS wants to ensure that everyone is well equipped with proper tools to prosper while our education community teaches and learns virtually.
Due to the circumstances of the current pandemic, educators are playing an even more integral role in the community.
“The Foundation has set up a COVID-19 relief fund, where business and community partners can donate to help continue to enhance and excel education within the School District of Lee County. Now, more than ever, the community needs to support and value our educators and the community’s most important asset, our students”, states President and CEO Marshall T. Bower, Esq.
If your business would like to participate or if any of your clients, vendors or friends ask what they can do to assist with relief efforts, please direct them to the following link on the Foundation’s Website: leeschoolfoudation.org. Thank you for your continued support.