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Juvenile Brings Electric Weapon To School

On April 24, 2019, the School Resource Officer (SRO) at Mariner High School, 701 Chiquita Boulevard North, was called to the assistant principal’s office in reference a student who was possibly in possession of a ‘taser’ like weapon on school property.  

The assistant principal received an anonymous tip from several students that Maverick Gaige Patterson (W/M, DOB: 12/02/2002) was in possession of an electric weapon. The assistant principal and SRO located Patterson still inside Mariner High School. Patterson was escorted to an office where the electric weapon was located, which was designed to resemble a flashlight, inside his front left pants pocket. 

There were no complaints that the weapon was used while on school grounds.

Patterson was charged with Possession of a Weapon on School Grounds.

Paterson was transferred to the Juvenile Assessment Center.


ARRESTED: Maverick Gaige Patterson, W/M, DOB: 12/02/2002

CHARGES: Possession of a Weapon on School Grounds

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