I am a Bartender at The Tiki Hut at Dolphin Key Resort
I have been a bartender here since 2013
I started Bartending 24 years ago
I am originally from Michigan
Favorite thing about my job? I get to meet new people every day, and have good conversations with them. I am able to make new friends every day!
Meet any Famous people on the job? yes
Who? Puddle of Mudd singer Wes Scantlia. I even had a beer with him. (He drinks Bud Light.) Have also met the Quiet Riot band and (Detroit) Red Wings players.
My Favorite Drink to Make (name) Old fashioned
What’s the Recipe for that drink? Put some oranges and cherries in the bottom of the glass with a packet of sugar. Muddle them together, then put ice in the glass. Then add whiskey or bourbon, depending on the customer’s wishes. Add a splash of bitters, then top with soda and serve.
What’s your favorite drink to consume? Southern Comfort and Diet Mountain Dew
Anything else? Depending on how I feel, I also drink Sailer Terry and Diet Pepsi or a bottle of Michelob Ultra. If I’m doing shots, it’s called a POS (Piece of &%^$), which is Southern Comfort, Amaretto and sour mix.