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Tag: #leecountysolidwaste

Lee County’s fifth annual food-rescue campaign begins as seasonal residents head north

Lee County Solid Waste’s fifth annual “Donated not Wasted” food rescue campaign encourages seasonal residents and visitors to donate unopened pantry items before returning north. Since the program’s inception, 25,385 pounds of food has been diverted from potential disposal and sent to the Harry...

Lee County’s “Donated, not Wasted” campaign begins as seasonal residents head north

Donations to be accepted April 4 through 18. Lee County Solid Waste’s fourth annual “Donated not Wasted” campaign will launch Monday, April 4, to encourage seasonal residents and visitors to donate unopened pantry items before returning north. Since the program’s inception, 15,193 pounds of food has...

Lee County Reuse Center diverts 95,000 pounds of paint back to the community

Lee County’s Reuse Center, a free resource for residents, has diverted 93 tons of household chemicals away from final disposal and provided them free of charge to local residents and businesses. The Reuse Center, which opened in December of 2018, allows residents access to still-useable...

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day is Saturday, March 16

Cape Coral residents should mark their calendars for the annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day.  The Lee County Solid Waste Division will collect hazardous waste on Saturday, March 16 at the Public Works Annex at 1750 Everest Parkway (east of Del Prado).  Collection hours...

Lee County rescues 3,771 pounds of food with inaugural campaign

Lee County’s inaugural food-rescue campaign diverted 3,771 pounds of food from potential disposal. The unopened food pantry items were donated to Harry Chapin Food Bank. The campaign exceeded the goals by 89 percent. The campaign, conducted by Lee County Solid Waste in partnership with the Harry...


Lee County Solid Waste has created “Donated not Wasted.” This is a food rescue campaign to encourage seasonal residents and visitors to donate unopened pantry items before returning north. About 70,000 tons, or 13 percent, of the waste stream in Lee County is food, according...

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